Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: February 21, 2019

Plashet Rd E13 window

Plashet Rd E13 window

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I call this the sisters to myself, my mum's 7 sisters I never met but heard so much about. I am a home body but only particularly liked just one or two of my homes. My favourite was in London, this one. Outside my window grew huge 'Roman Revenges' /trees/ with nesting birds in them, chirping early in the mornings. I put my bed to the window, and often drew that bedroom, but as an artist not as a planner- here on the window, my candlesticks, and /real/ velvet curtains I bought from a catalogue when first married back in the sixties, unbelievably poor so aquisitions came from a catalogue and rather something good and the never never than tatty and cheap and which are still with me, velvet gowned aunties. I have been silly like this ever since I visited the summer palace in St Petersburg to marry a Russian old tsarist family's son back from a gulag, saw the musicians dressed in the same gold velvet and whirled alone round the gardens to their walzes, as the highly socialised German tourists alighting, lined up by their bus, gaped at me in horror, swirling my big, white, leather summer handbag and myself to the music /well, I am Hungarian and can be forgiven. I was poor as a church mouse, and we had regular invasions of mice and rats at Selina's house m , but I loved that teeny house and when you love something, everything that is part of it is part of that love!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colour on paper
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Plashet Rd E13 window by Renate-Bertodi
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