Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: May 28, 2019

sofa tv scribbles

Sofa tv scribbles

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I tried to put on my last weeks biblical text drawing but lab will not permit it /how do they stop me? German Human Research Werner, was invited to lab st barths human research to show them what tricks he had. You would be amazed what they can do, this destruction program which includes Munich Human Research and others in Germany, uses a lot of former Space program stuff and is mind shattering, even for me. Auschwitz camp 5 was run by Human Research, as was Belsen, the Russian Gulags etc, so they have long experience. He split my internet cable and sent half to my home and half to the lab computer, hence they totally control my internet, just as they control my post, etc. They destroy friendships as the first rule is to destroy family unity and friendships, and then beliefs, so I would not like to tell of the sound effects they put over religious services- even Synagogue, not just Christian../we are none believing Jews, almost all the lab are jews./ take off job offers to cut off escape etc. I decided to put on a 'sofa scribble' from this last week. I paint - most of which has been stolen /5200/ paid for by lab st barths for local Sheffield thieves and sold as their own work, but I also scribble all the while, and always have. It used to be on newspaper edges when I was married but I can't afford newspapers anymore, then it was edges of essays, whilst I was at college, now I am neither and my son helps me with my bills, and I have a couple of small sketch books on my book case by the photo, JUST FOR SCRIBBLING as I listen to tv .. I call them my sofa scribbles! I had five nearly worn out pens, but for my 74th birthday have treated myself to a huge box full of pens. However, I got them through the internet, to make me less aware of how much they cost as I would never have spent that amount over the counter, infact I never have that amount on me!! so my sofa scribbles should become much more sophisticated soon! I had bought myself a beautiful set at Amsterdam, quite expensive but when I got back to UK /after a year in China where no one steals anything from one/ a slovakian group of families who live here, have been coming into my home robbing work, teaching books, my best clothes, food in the freezer etc the lab st barths opens the doors remote for them by a strong beam on the co-ordinates and uses them for thefts. Their six year old stole them, though they are artists materials really
. We were exiled from that country in 1946 because we were Austrians. Now experiencing them in person, I am pleased we were. I would not wish to say: I am a slovakian!The only mistake was that my mother did not go to our Austria because the Russians were there and went instead to Germany /slip over the border/ and the Germans killed my brother, hence my paintings include horrors as well as normal life. I paint mainly from life.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | pens and sofa!

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Sofa tv scribbles by Renate-Bertodi
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