Category: Expressive Photography
Posted: November 15, 2019

cactus blooms pink

cactus blooms pink

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Flower Photos Contest Entry 
my youngest son has a veritable botanical garden in his tiny flat. I too have a very small house, but my eldest son gave me some moving in money, bless him, so I had this little conservatory built onto the back door, to make it more difficult for thieves, it doesn't as lab st barths human Research opens the doors for them remote, with a strong beam from the lab onto the co-ordinates of the house, so moving did not stop the looting for the lab staff, /they pay local thieves hundreds a time for my art and written work/also as it was a wind trap and I rarely use CH. It houses clothes-horse, pegs, garden tools etc and also the odd plant my youngest son brings me. Sadly, many die as I forget to water them, then over water them to compensate, but this cactus is unkillable. I got some soil from my garden and stuck it in and that was that, hence there are weeds growing tall and strong which I need to pluck off regularly. It comes out with an amazing large, pink flower regularly and amazes me and I invite all my friends to come and see it. In my previous home, my youngest son lived with me and we had several cacti, you should have seen the oranges and red blooms from them. Quite makes up for the being so drab the rest of the time!
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | mobile phone

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cactus blooms pink by Renate-Bertodi
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