Category: Cityscape Photography
Posted: March 20, 2020

police horses in Sheffield

police horses in Sheffield

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Horses in Action Contest Entry 
Every evening they used to trot round our area and up my street, when junior schools closed for the day. The kids loved them, and it was so good for them, as they saw few animals and as a poor, ethnic area, most were absolutely terrified of dogs and cats. We had drug sellers outside of the junior schools,.some of my pupils told me, I didn't believe them at first, but it was true, they used to put the stuff into the pens and suck the pens all day/Too much pocket money to my mind. Also, just where the horses are standing, at lunch time a group of youths would gather, for half an hour of sex with the African lady of the house etc. But their main purpose I feel was to show the ethnic kids that not all animals monsters!! I read somewhere it takes some two, three generations before their cultural norms ease off.
Post Type: Photography
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police horses in Sheffield by Renate-Bertodi
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