Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: June 6, 2020

narrative abstract

man on computer series.

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Traditional Artwork of the Month Contest Entry 
actually me, sitting, listening to the lab St barths human Research computer emitted 'sound waves' floating around me in my home and where ever I am, from their answerer machine. It is sound above normal hearing, sent on your co-ordinates, meant for the deaf, but they use it as punishment in remote debasement programs etc /debasement program is to break anything you believe in, that is they override Holy Services with lewdities, the tv programs with lewdities etc/ Once you no longer believe in anything, they then try to push you where the human Research want you. Trouble is they picked the wrong one with me, we had all that from our monsters too, only they weren't quite the lechers the English lab monsters are! Though I have to admit to being surprised, we had really admired the English yet they are no different to our monsters, only you die with food in your belly! Though my dad warned me. No one has an Empire without......My dad despised Empire expanders, what ever their brand.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colour on paper

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man on computer series. by Renate-Bertodi
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